Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catching up.

I guess for me to move forward on my blog, I need to catch everyone up on my pregnancy thus far. I realized after talking to my doula on the phone today, that I have been very la di da, and I haven't chatted folks up that much about the goings on of Baby Brown 4.0. My bad! I am VERY excited, so let me spill! 

Wellllll..... I'm about 20 weeks pregnant. That's pretty much half way to the finish line, although I barely feel pregnant yet. I have actually felt pretty great most of the time. By the grace of God, I haven't had it rough thus far! I had about 2-4 weeks of serious "morning" sickness. But other than that, everything has been pretty normal. I found out last month that we are having another BOY! Whoohoo! My daughter is bummed of course; she was hoping for a sister. I secretly was a little bit too. But there's something special about my boys, and I just can't be disappointed. Baby moves a lot. I can feel him, but you can't feel from the outside yet. That will come soon enough, I'm sure. 

There was a little issue that came up at my ultrasound that we've kept an eye on, but I'm convinced it's no big deal. The first ultrasound was very early, and baby had a raised heart rate. Well, the reason for the ultrasound in the first place was for dating my pregnancy, and baby was measuring a week less than my estimated due date.... so without getting into the logistics of it, that heart rate was normal for that gestational age (that the baby was measuring). So I'm not worried. But it did warrant a couple of extra ultrasounds. I know a lot of natural childbirth folk frown upon butt-loads of ultrasounds because of the unknown effects that it could have on the baby. I'm more of a "let's use this tool wisely" kind of person. And I have no problem enjoying every minute of my baby's ultrasounds. They blow my mind. Every time. 

As far as my appointments, they are going well and pretty uneventful. I haven't met with the home birth midwives yet, even though we've chatted. I do need to get that going. I've been seeing the group of midwives who I had my youngest with. Lots has changed since then. Their practice has grown exponentially. There were only 2 midwives for my last, and now there are 4 on-call midwives, and a few additional midwives who meet with patients in the office. So there are a lot of new faces to get to know. I have met and talked with a couple of these ladies before my pregnancy because of work, but not super in-depth. They also have a new OB backup, who does the ultrasounds at a super fancy up-scale office. But I already knew him pretty well from work. He's good people. It's really amazing to see the community coming together to promote this movement of normal birth. I love the influence this group of midwives has made in their hospital. Heck, they've been making BIG BIG waves in the entire state. I still stand by them to say, that if you want the most amazing and normal birth, but you feel like you need to go to the hospital, then these ladies are the ones to see. They are also responsible for planning the up and coming Atlanta Birth Center. I cannot wait for that to open. It's gonna be a big deal. It already is a big deal and they don't even have a location set yet! 

Anyhow back to my pregnancy. Well, pregnancy-wise, I'm fine. Health-wise, things could be more awesome. Some of it could be self-inflicted though. I have a wheat allergy. But during the first trimester, I was grasping at straws and trying to eat whatever I could. I lost about 15 lbs, and I still have yet to gain it back (maybe a couple of lbs). So, I got in a bad habit of eating whatever. Even if I was allergic. Then came the migraines, my least favorite reaction. NOTHING makes them go away when I get them. Chiropractic care helps reduce them, but so far nothing has ever made them completely vanish. Last week, one of the midwives suggested a migraine medicine. Soooooo, I tried it. I have no idea, but I spent all day on the phone with them today, and either my allergic reaction to wheat just got worse, I had an allergic to reaction to the meds, or I just got an infection after having respiratory reaction to wheat. Either way. Today I am sick. Sick Sick Sick. It's moments like these, that I am thankful for my darling husband. If I complain about him later, just remember me telling you right now about how amazing he is. Because he is. Really. 

Living in the south, I hear of so many women who have husbands who do not cook, they do not clean, they do not change a dirty diaper, they do not hold a baby, and they do not co-parent. I certainly do not have that problem. My husband taught me how to cook. He still cooks half of the nights during the week. We may disagree every now and then on what the term "healthy" means, but all in all, he cooks a mean meal. And I'll eat it! And he gives a great effort with the kids. He spends a lot of time with them, playing, snuggling, talking, and praying. He's great at the bedtime routine (we love bedtime). He may not read all the parenting books that I want him to read, but he'll certainly listen to me talk parenting philosophies all day, and he even puts them to test every now and then. I'm pretty grateful for the man of my house. 

And today I would not be writing this blog if it weren't for my amazing husband, who took a half day off, came home, and said, "Hi. I love you. Now go to bed." No arguments here! 

So, here I lie, giving my pregnancy update. I'm brainstorming on the types of things you want to hear about. I have in mind a post to write in the future about the things I am making for this baby. I have one half-way completed project that I am really VERY proud of. But other than that, what types of things do you want to read? If no one has any requests, I suppose I'll just see where the keyboard takes me.... but I'd love to know what you want to hear.

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