Thursday, March 15, 2012

Something to look forward to. My first meeting.

It's official! I have my first meeting with the home birth midwives next week. I figured it's about time, since the 3rd trimester is looming around the corner at me (6 weeks flies by for moms and doulas). I'm very nervous and excited. This is one of those moments where I'm moving forward with faith. Faith that God will provide and faith that God knows my needs and hears my desires. This is not always easy. I've always been the skeptic in the past, and even when I've had a bad attitude, God has pulled through in my life in big ways. You'd think I'd enter into these things with a better attitude, but obviously I still have a lot to learn. There is always some sort of something inside of me that keeps a bit of doubt and fear around. Things in our lives were pretty hard for a long time. I never thought things were going to get better. But they are, and I have to admit that in this circumstance, I have something new. This is the first time I feel hope and excitement instead of being filled with dread. Please be in prayer for me with me about this things. And ultimately pray with me that God's will be done.

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